Zulum Engages 28 Borno Communities Achieve Food Security


Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno state; has engaged communities on
shores of Lake Alau to achieve food security.
The decade long Boko Haram insurgency, has interrupted farming
activities by attacking and killing farmers, while working on their
farmlands and orchards.
The 28 farming communities are located in Konduga and Jere Local
Government Areas of the state.
Zulum announced the food security initiatives on Tuesday, while
interacting with farming communities taking refuge on shores of Lake
On how to achieve food security, Zulum said: “Today’s (Tuesday) visit
of farming communities on shores of the lake was to achieve food
security in the state.
“This administration; is targeting about 28 communities sited on
shores of Lake Alau in first phase of back to farm initiatives.
During the visit, the Governor personally interacted with many farmers
either clearing or planting seeds on their farmlands.
According to him; “Our intention is to resettle all the 28 communities
around this place. We have built trenches from Dalori village to Molai
“We are currently in consultation with the military, by God’s willing
to return all Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their localities
before the end of this year
“I assured the people of government support to enable farmers go back
to their farmlands.
“This is a singular act that will make our people happy and food sufficient.
“We’ll provide the necessary support to our people to go back to their
farmlands that were occupied by insurgents.”
Meanwhile, the Governor was also presented with medal award by
Commander 251 Task Force Battalion in appreciation of his support to
the military.


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